The fund address for Professional Super is: 56 MEAGHER STREET, CHIPPENDALE, NSW 2008. The ABN for Professional Super (Professional Super) is 34300938877. The USI for Professional Super Professional Super is 34300938877006. For more information on what these details describe, please scroll down for a more detailed description.

Fast Facts for Professional Super

    SuperFund Name: Professional Super
    Product Name: Professional Super
    SuperFund ABN: 34300938877
    SuperFund USI: 34300938877006
    SuperFund Phone Number: 1300 707 746
    SuperFund Address: 56 MEAGHER STREET
    SuperFund Suburb: CHIPPENDALE
    SuperFund State: NSW
    SuperFund Postcode: 2008

Additional Details for Professional Super

If you require additional details for Professional Super try visiting SuperNumber. For details beyond Professional Super USI number, address & abn, SuperNumber is your go to website.

Need to complete your Super Choice Form?

Use the form below to complete your super choice form within seconds!

What is Professional Super's fund address? And why do I need it?

You are required to provide the address of your superfund when you fill out your Super Choice Form. The form asks for the postal address, not the office address of the fund. Ensure you have provided the correct address. the postage address for superfund is most often a PO or Locked Bag address, and differs from the street address of the superfund. This address is primarily used for correspondance between your employer and your superfund. You could also use this address to send documents to your superfund (check with your superfund first, call 1300 707 746).

If this is a new fund for you, your employer may need to provide the fund with some additional details, or they may need to contact the fund in order to receive details on how to make the correct super contribution payments on your behalf. These are some of the reasons you're required to provide the address and phone number of the fund.

What is Professional Super's phone number? And why do I need it?

You need to provide the phone number, for similar reasons you need to provide an address. Without a phone number, your employer would be unable to contact your chosen superfund.

The phone number for Professional Super for the Professional Super product is 1300 707 746.

Ensure you include this phone number on your Super Choice Form

Super Fund Compliance Letter

In addition to the details provided here, you will also require a letter of compliance from your super fund. The compliance letter states that Professional Super presently complies with the relevant superannuation reguations and is able and willing to accept contributions from your employer.

You can view or download a copy of the Professional Super compliance letter, or by visit the superfunds website.

Super Choice Form

Are you searching for these details because you've been asked by your employer to complete a super choice form? You can save yourself the time & hassle of collating these details manually and instead automatically generate a super choice form for Professional Super.

Professional Super Summary

Summary of address details for Professional Super Superfund
Superfund: Professional Super
Product: Professional Super
ABN: 34300938877
State NSW
Postcode 2008
Country Australia
Phone Number 1300 707 746